I’ve been at best negligent in writing lately – in part because I’ve been doing a lot more exploring in the city, as it turns out.  More from those adventures to come.

In the meantime, I’m going to officially start learning Photoshop!  (And by “officially” I mean “stumbling around with RGB curves because I now have Photoshop.”)  The first efforts feel pretty clumsy, but I can already see a difference.

Speaking of difference – I know it’s still about a week away, but it officially feels like summer in Chicago.  Today we suffered through the oppressive heat and humidity, but for me it was sitting by the river on Wednesday evening that really ushered in the change of season.  Especially compared to the decidedly not-summery deluge of rain from the evening before.  Compare below.

Tuesday:  ridiculous rain and fog

Tuesday: ridiculous rain and fog

Wednesday:  clear sky, lazy river, cool breeze as the sun set

Wednesday: clear sky, lazy river, cool breeze as the sun set

Note:  these photos were only ever-so-slightly color-adjusted!